ATA Committees
We encourage you to join one of our volunteer committees that strengthen the value of your membership.
If you wish to attend a committee meeting or have any suggestions or comments you would like to submit, please contact one of the committee chairs.
Convention Commitee

The Convention Committee chooses the location and date of the Annual Convention, with approval from the Board of Directors. A new committee is established each year. The Committee is responsible for the agenda, entertainment, program, golf, attendees, pricing, etc., and collaborates closely with the Education Chair for the scheduling of the speakers & topics.
If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact one of the chairpersons listed below.
Statewide Foreclosures Services Inc
2530 S. Rural Road
Tempe, AZ 85282
480-921-2100 Office
480-968-1344 Fax
Fidelity National Title Agency Inc.
14000 N. Pima Rd #100,
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 214-4527 Direct
(480) 214-4500 Main
Education Committee

The Education Committee meets to determine topics and speakers for the Luncheons and the Annual Convention and Education Seminar. The Committee also “hosts” the speaker at each event. A great deal of time is spent in conjunction with the Convention committee to assist in securing speakers and the agenda for the annual convention.
If you are interested in joining the Education Committee, please contact the committee chair below.
First American Title
9000 E. Pima Center Parkway
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Legislative Committee

The Legislative Committee works with our Lobbyist regarding any issues that may affect the ATA and its members. During the Legislative session, the committee will have periodic meetings to address all potential legislative bills. There may be times the committee will compile a “wish list” from general members and should the need arise, assemble a Bill. The committee will monitor new “case law” matters and provide timely information to members either by mailings, providing copies of pertinent information or by speaking at luncheons.
If you are interested in joining the Legislative Committee, please contact the committee chair, Chris Perry.
3550 N. Central Ave #625
Phoenix, AZ 85012
602-282-6188 #202
Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is responsible for coordinating the annual renewal of membership and coordinating programs and procedures to secure new members. The committee is also responsible for the creation and distribution of the Membership Directory and Membership Certificates, and for organizing and hosting the Annual Holiday Party.
If you have any suggestions to promote membership to the ATA, or are interested in joining the committee, please contact the committee chair below:
Statewide Foreclosures Services Inc
2530 S. Rural Road
Tempe, AZ 85282
480-921-2100 Office
480-968-1344 Fax
Blogging Committee - News, Views, & Who's Who

The Blogging Committee is responsible for writing and approving ongoing Blogs and articles which will include regular features, the President’s message, Legislative Corner, Current Court Decisions, Articles from Lunch Speakers, Bulletin Board, Who's Who, Facts and more.
If you are interested in helping to write our Blogs, please contact any Board Member.
Website Committee

The Website Chair ensures that all licenses, hosting, services, etc. for the website are renewed each year. They periodically review the website for new content, articles, and information keeping it up-to-date and current.
If you have new ideas for the website or have any comments, please contact a Board Member.
If you need assistance with the website or your online profile, please email