Dear Past, Present and Future members:
It is a new year and a new beginning for the Arizona Trustee Association ("ATA"). As the newly elected President of the organization (not to mention past President in late l 980's, for those who can remember back that far) I invite you to consider continuing your existing membership or joining as a new member.
Due to covid and the past recession, the utility of the ATA was questioned by many of you. As Bob Dylan said "the times they are a changin". The organization was originally created to address legislation that was before the legislature that would severely impact our ability to conduct our businesses. As years went by, our efforts in initiating new legislation have resulted in positive results for those involved in our industry. The time has come to realize that our past effectiveness is once again required to assure that our industry is not significantly affected by new pending legislation; specifically, HB 2412, legislation that extends the date of finality of residential foreclosures (a true disaster). This legislation is a rude awakening, reminding us that our work is NOT done. There is strength in numbers, and we need your numbers.
In addition to legislating, the ATA was also known for its educational programs, comradery and networking. With the coming shift in the economy, it is time to reinvigorate, and redefine, the organization. The new board has discussed several new ideas that will not only broaden our base, but also increase our relevancy going forward. I invite you to share our new vision and be part of our future growth.
I am very excited about the future of the organization, and hope that you will be part of it.
Very truly
JABURG & WILK, P.C. Lawrence E. Wilk
